Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's the Final Countdown.

Yes, picture a big hair band or a bunch of crazy girls singing it - either way it's the truth!! 2 days until surgery.

 I am starting to get  a bit nervous - having some super crazy dreams.  I'm not worried about the silence after surgery - I have done that and know I can do it.  I am actually scared it won't work.  I know that percentage is very low but stranger things have happened.  I keep reading all the consent forms in depth - yikes.  I know it is on every form I signed when I had kids, etc. but I never had them for a week to read. Scared is probably not the right word - anxious is more like it.  Ready to do it and get it over.  Or maybe I am looking forward to a quiet house - hmmm. 

My kids are getting super star treatment next week:  a weekend at the lake and then 4 days at the beach.  Lucky kids.  BUT they have been rock stars!!! Katie can understand me better than anyone or maybe she is patient and takes her time guessing so I don't get frustrated. She would make an awesome teacher :).  She relays information, orders food at drive thrus, answers my phone, and even ordered for me at the movies the other day.  WOW!!! Connor is just as impressive - just gets a bit more frustrated that he doesn't understand me. But the other night at a friends house he explained to a bunch of strangers why I couldn't talk and got it all right.  Maybe he will be the doctor. They are also getting along  so far.  May be the zero tolerance rule we put into effect this summer.  Pretty much says we will not accept whining, arguing, or fighting.  we get final word or you lose screens.  IF they can talk to us in an important voice and give good reason why they want something we will discuss with them.  Working really well so far. We will have to type it out for the grandparents to take with them on their journeys!!

It is amazing in public - most people are very understanding and get that I can't talk - most think I have laryngitis - sure that's it.  But every once in a while I get strange looks from people - maybe its because I am whistling for my kids like you do a dog - parenting 101 - treat children like pets.  Some lady just stared at me at Belk's the other day as I whistled and Connor followed - wish my dogs were as well behaved.

"talk" to you soon!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Udpate and Dr. visit

Well,  it has been about a week since I blogged.  I really do think about it but then my book takes hold.  Getting lots of good reading in.  Nothing of literary quality but good summer trash.  Yes, I read the 50 Shades trilogy.  I get lots of free books from Pixelsofink.com.  Each day they send an email with free books from Amazon.  Great way to get freebies.

I am pretty impressed with myself.  I have been doing quite well being quiet.  Of course, I have a wonderful support system and family and friends who truly care!!

 I have been to the pool party - iphone was lifesaver, swim team practices, mock swim meet - must get cowbell!!!, end of year party (whoo hoo) - Owen did catch me talking a bit oops so I typed the rest, last day of school for a bit, post planning at school, and a weekend at the lake - so hard to "watch" ultimate charades of death, especially when I knew the answers - but i was official timer/scorekeeper, wine drinker.  I got a stylus for my ipad and write on Bamboo papers app.  It makes it very easy and user friendly.  I have talked a bit - a sentence here or there (when your 8 yr. old son is near tears because he doesn't understand you words are needed :)  I do know when I have talked to much and put an end to it right there.

Today I went back to the dr. for a check up and to possibly schedule surgery. My left vocal cord looks better than April but still not awesome.  I am on complete voice rest for another week.

We have tentatively scheduled surgery for June 7 or possibly June 12 (Happy Anniversary Owen!!) - yes, I have heard all the must love the quiet jokes!  Hopefully it will go as planned and then I can recover!

Recovery includes:  another week of complete silence, then adding a few minutes every few days. Hopefully by August 6, I will be much better.  Still will need an amplifier. My ENT says every teacher should have one.  He had another patient in today who taught Kindergarten also. UGH!!!

We are so blessed to have a wonderful support system.  We live within 30 minutes of all our in state family members. WE are currently planning trips for the kids.  I will be staying home bound during complete silence after surgery.  I have to take away tempation. Know any good movies - send the names my way!! I know I am going to catch up on Drop Dead Diva - Lifetime rocks.

Must go watch movie with the kids - I will update shortly.  Please leave me comment so I know someone is looking at the blog :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Survived the first week.

Well, it has been one week and I am doing pretty darn good.  I have been to swim practice - no talk, hung out at the pool - no talk, lunch with parents - no talk.  I even did some work at school - no talk.  then I got the cough!! My voice therapist says I should not be coughing - really??? So I call the ENT and he puts me on a cough syrup with hydrocodone - awesome sleep last night ;)  But my throat feels better and I think I can talk - NOPE!!! 1 more week until I see the dr!!! I am hoping for a quick surgery and quick recovery and get on with summer. BUT there is something to be said for sitting and listening. I CAN do it.

I got to walk my kids to school today. One little thing I miss while teaching.  Can't believe school is out tomorrow.  Then I go back for 2 days. 

Connor is my lifesaver - he reminds me - mom you can't talk :) - then quit asking me questions.

Thank you to everyone who is so supportive and understands when I have to stop to write something down.  Makes a WORLD of difference.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I can't talk - YOU can!!

Had a few wonderful surprises today.  A short visit with a friend did wonders for my morale - even with me scribbling notes and texting.  Met my sister at the Forum for a bit of shopping.  My favorite shopkeeper (so excited I can put that word in a sentence) was loving playing charades and guessing what I needed.  Of course, she knows me well and what I like. I think my sister enjoyed being the translator as well.  Everyone is so nice when I motion I can't talk.  Then the plumber came:
So we had a plumber come today to look at the disposal. My husband must have told him I couldn't speak.  He used sign language as he spoke like I couldn't hear and would point instead of talking.  I can't talk - YOU CAN!!! How funny - new point of view.  He used motions to ask if he should call and let O know everything or if I could.   I can. getting mighty good at texting.

Today we have swim team.  Going to take my kindle, sit back and answer yes and no questions. 

Think I can do this - of course the kids aren't home yet!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Good reminder!!!

And so it begins.  It is Mother's Day - what a wonderful day it has been.  My kids woke me up with homemade cards.  Katie told me she wishes she could get me a new voice because she misses my old one - too sweet.  Connor told me he loves that I like going to movies with him :) .  Then they made me a movie full of pictures of them as babies and put it to music - very proud of them.  Wonderful movie.

I have been quiet today after the play all weekend.  Katie was in Schoolhouse Rock Live - Loved it.  She did a super job!!

I don't go to school tomorrow so I have a week and half at home with no kids during the day to rest my voice.  I do have voice therapy tomorrow.  I have been quiet today and am already a bit bored.  But many chores to keep me busy. 

Happy Mother's Day to  my mom and Owen's mom.  How blessed we are to have such wonderful role models. 

Although it will be difficult and boring, I was reminded today of how blessed my life is because of 2 little people and Owen!!!  Gotta get my voice back for them!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Well, the time has come.  Tomorrow is my last day at work.  It has been a tough few weeks.  I have been busy getting it all done at school on top of Relay for Life, C's First Holy Communion and K's play this weekend.  I am stretched.  On top of that, I have been in a bad place.  The stress of what is actually happening is weighing heavily on me.  I feel cut off from the world and I have been talking here and there.  I definitiely have cut down on how much I talk.   I know I am not but it is hard to have a one sided conversation.  I do talk at work but that will end tomorrow.  Sounds great to have a house to yourself for 8 hours - doesn't?  I am sure I will like it at first but it seems never ending.  This is all BEFORE surgery -  can't even schedule until after I see the dr. again.  I know there is an end in sight.  I will try and "relish" time alone - read a book, watch a movie, organize every room, sit outside and get sun.

I hope to find some funnies in the next few weeks.  HEck - I make myself laugh all the time. I will update you on good books and movies.  And yes, I have read, finished and adored Fifty Shades!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Major decision today!!!

Well, a week after my ENT appt. I made a major decision. I am taking a leave of absence for the last 8 days of school. I am going to stay home and rest my voice before my appt. on May 30. Hopefully my cords will be ready for surgery then. It was a very hard decision. If you know me, it takes a lot for me to stay home. I realized today that my students had come so far and learned so much that I feel comfortable taking this time for me. Another hard decision was telling Katie I couldn't take her to the Luke Bryan / Jason Aldean concert. She has not decided what she wants to do yet.

I have to keep reminding myself and my kids this is short term!!!

I am so blessed to work in an environment that allows me to take care of me and supports me while I am there. I also have a wonderful family who are willing to help out any way they can.

Nothing real funny today - just a tough decision day.